This picture I took of my neighborhood. No retouching, no filters, seeing it like this in real life is... disturbing... I thought I was still dreaming...

This picture I took of my neighborhood. No retouching, no filters, seeing it like this in real life is... disturbing... I thought I was still dreaming...

Introducing a new way to meet your weight loss goals: compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hers, starting at $165/mo w/12mo plan paid in full.

Introducing a new way to meet your weight loss goals: compounded GLP-1 injections from Weight Loss by Hers, starting at $165/mo w/12mo plan paid in full.

Began a collection looking for Iowa stars and got a few Caitlin Clark to start.

Choosing a new futureproof motherboard

Hi need to replace my current motherboard. I have an i513600kf cpu. Decideing between ASUS ROG Strix Z790-F Gaming ASUS TUF Z790-Plus Wi-Fi or the MSI Pro z790-a Max Wi-Fi. Is Msi as reliable as ASUS? Which board is less likely to give problems. Thanks

What I need what I got

Play MONOPOLY GO! with me! Download it here:

Topforsker med markant advarsel: Et »hul« i rigsfællesskabet kan åbne bagdøren for Xi Jinping i Grønland

[Topforsker med markant advarsel: Et »hul« i rigsfællesskabet kan åbne bagdøren for Xi Jinping i Grønland]( Artiklen er bag betalingsmur. Her er nogle citater: * Truslen fra kinesiske krigsskibe udenfor er usand, har eksperter sagt. Men USAs bekymring for kinesisk indflydelse i Grønland er ikke ubegrundet – og det skyldes en funktionsfejl i rigsfællesskabet, som kan ende med at bane vejen for Kina i Grønland, advarer ekspert. * Den såkaldte systemfejl kan findes i Selvstyreloven fra 2009, hvor man lavede om på fordelingen af ansvarsområder mellem Danmark og Grønland. Her fik Grønland myndighed til at beslutte anliggender under eneområder som eksempelvis råstoffer og transport, mens Danmark fortsat varetager rent sikkerhedspolitiske spørgsmål. For hvis man vurderer, at en kinesisk investering i minedrift eller i at bygge en ny lufthavn sker på området for råstof- eller transportpolitik, bestemmer Grønland. Men vurderes det efter en lang proces, at det er sikkerhedspolitik, så er det Danmark. »Der er ingen klarhed om, hvor grænsen går,« * Ifølge Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen er amerikanerne formentlig klar over, at risikoen for et militært kinesisk angreb er lig nul. »Det er i virkeligheden nok den indirekte trussel gennem investeringer, som USA refererer til, når de går ud og siger, at kinesiske skibe ligger på lur uden for Grønland,« siger han. * »Og det vil kunne skade Danmark sikkerhedspolitisk, hvis Grønland accepterer et kinesisk bud på at bygge teleinfrastruktur eller en ny lufthavn, fordi det efter deres opfattelse går ind under råstof- eller transportområdet.« * Desuden tyder noget på, at Grønland ikke selv er afvisende over for mere kinesisk samspil. * Det kalder Jon Rahbek-Clemmensen med andre ord en »selvmodsigelse«, der bør vække bekymring på Christiansborg, at Grønland på den ene side ønsker et tæt samarbejde med USA og samtidig er »en smule uklare om, hvorvidt de investeringer godt kunne komme fra Kina«.

Happy 5th anniversary to The Slow Rush. 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳

Emolene is my holy grail for dry skin in Indian weather! Have you used it? What’s your skincare holy grail?”

Happy Birthday Enrile

![img](m1gght8qf2je1) still waiting for the moment this sub will stop updating


Lyrics for graduation

I'm writing a speech for my college graduation and I want to sneak a Maggie quote in there if I can. Any ideas on good ones that would work?

Support for m3u playlists

Would be great if support for m3u WA native to the system. Please bring this firmware upgrade!

What is this?? Is Harsh Guhral really engaged to urfi??

An engagement picture of Urfi Javed went viral on social media with Harsh Gujral. People are saying that it is Harsh Gujral, but either urfi or harsh both do not give any clarification on it. Also the fans are claiming that this clip is from a urfi's show. A few days back urfi said I'll marry a Hindu boy. It was a sign that she'll get married soon? Let's see what we will say to the media about this.

"> An engagement picture of Urfi Javed went viral on social media with Harsh Gujral. People are saying that it is Harsh Gujral, but either urfi or harsh both do not give any clarification on it. Also the fans are claiming that this clip is from a urfi's show. A few days back urfi said I'll marry a Hindu boy. It was a sign that she'll get married soon? Let's see what we will say to the media about this.

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

The most essential form of the platform bed frame.

Problems on mobile

Anybody else having problem on mobile with it reloading the site when using a specific move or when the Pokémon hit a certain hp what can I do about it

the relationship between Aran Tau and Ivan Mallory be like:

MICA Baby 🥳🥳


Hello. Today I opened the Connect app and it asked me to configure the EGC and gave me a test. I have a F7X pro solar.

"> Hello. Today I opened the Connect app and it asked me to configure the EGC and gave me a test. I have a F7X pro solar.

My 24th scale😤

My INJORA build so far💪🏽

Blockchain games see 3x year-on-year rise in activity for January

All Protest Locations

These are all the known locations in one poster.

"> These are all the known locations in one poster.

Buy Tesla Baccarat Lover System! #IAMMONEY

I got rizzed😭

This guy printed BIGLY with $TRUMP

SEAT Leon 1.5 eTSI MK4 Infotainment problems.

Has anyone got any clue what the problem could be? The short version: last october the infotainment started to show random lines and some sort of "inburn". After some time it just got into the same state, that is shown in the picture. The touch still works, I just dont get any visual output. Reboots dont work, not even the SEAT logo at the beginning. The mechanic said it was the control unit, but I have my doubts about it because I left the car for 2 weeks at home, not using it at all and it seemed to fix itself. Until now. It just got back into this state.

Has someone else seen or heard of this problem? Repair costs are apparently close to 2.000€, no guarantuee or anything, even after always keeping the maintenance up to date and always at SEAT.

Otherwise, would a touchdisplay work when connected to the OBD port?

Thanks in advance.

"> Has anyone got any clue what the problem could be? The short version: last october the infotainment started to show random lines and some sort of "inburn". After some time it just got into the same state, that is shown in the picture. The touch still works, I just dont get any visual output. Reboots dont work, not even the SEAT logo at the beginning. The mechanic said it was the control unit, but I have my doubts about it because I left the car for 2 weeks at home, not using it at all and it seemed to fix itself. Until now. It just got back into this state. Has someone else seen or heard of this problem? Repair costs are apparently close to 2.000€, no guarantuee or anything, even after always keeping the maintenance up to date and always at SEAT. Otherwise, would a touchdisplay work when connected to the OBD port? Thanks in advance.


How long should I wait after Video assessment?

I had finished a video assessment on the 28th of Jan and still haven't heard back from them. Should I contact them or is there any way to check the status. On LinkedIn the position shows no longer accepting applications even before I could do the online assessment. This is for a PM position in Italy.

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